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Pilots Are Fathers Too

On Behalf of | May 16, 2013 | Firm News

The life of an airline pilot revolves around his work schedule. This work schedule is not the typical 9-5 routine. Instead, the dates and times he is required to travel wildly fluctuates from week to week.

This reality becomes even more difficult for a pilot who is going through a divorce involving children. The attorneys and courts are faced with the daunting task of creating a parenting schedule that would have the least impact on the pilot’s parenting time while giving the pilot the flexibility his employment requires and the co-parent the predictability she desires.

Pilots are fathers too. They should not be punished by losing time with their kids just because of their prestigious career choice. Obviously, the standard visitation plan of every other weekend; every other holiday; and specific weeks in the summer is not going to work for a pilot. Pilots must find a child custody and visitation attorney who understands the concepts of flight schedules; bid periods; and how schedules can simply change at the last minute.

Daniele Johnson & Associates has that understanding and experience. We will advocate for a schedule that would be best all parties involved, most importantly, the children.