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When Do I Need To Talk To A Family Divorce Lawyer?

On Behalf of | Aug 25, 2019 | Firm News

When a marriage is nearing its end, it can be tough to deal with the combined stress of life following the divorce and the emotional trauma of the divorce itself. For couples that weren’t anticipating a separation, it can be even tougher to navigate what the next steps should be. If you are considering divorcing your partner, there are likely many questions that you have. Hiring a professional, experienced Daniele Johnson & Associates divorce lawyer can help you find the answers you need to move forward.

What Is a Divorce Lawyer?

A divorce lawyer is an attorney that specializes in family law, and typically has experience in issues of divorce, child custody and visitation, child support, and spousal support. A divorce lawyer can provide legal counsel for how to protect your interests, assets, and rights, particularly if you and your spouse are in disagreement about how to divide assets.

Do I Need a Divorce Lawyer?

If you have numerous concerns about how a divorce works and want to make informed decisions, working with a professional who understands the process is essential. Working with an experienced, qualified divorce attorney ensures that you are getting proper guidance, and ensures that you have someone in your corner that’s looking out for your best interests.

When Should I Contact a Divorce Lawyer?

You should speak with a divorce attorney if:

  • You want to get divorced from your spouse.
  • You’re considering getting a divorce but want to explore other possible options.
  • Your spouse has served you divorce papers.
  • Your spouse is currently consulting with a divorce lawyer.
  • You believe your spouse wants to get a divorce and may be manipulating you financially in the process.

Why Talk to a Divorce Lawyer?

Working through a divorce is never easy, but hiring a divorce lawyer makes things slightly less difficult. If your divorce involves children, high-value assets, and property, a divorce lawyer will make sure that your needs are met and you receive fair representation in court.

Consult with a Reputable Family Divorce Lawyer

If you’re considering divorcing your spouse, it’s important that you talk to an experienced divorce attorney before making any decisions. The trusted divorce lawyers at Daniele Johnson & Associates in Atlanta are here to give you the representation you need, regardless of the complexity of your partnership or the assets involved. Contact us at 470-746-6485 to set up a consultation with a divorce attorney.